Thursday, October 27, 2011


Well I should have never vowed to blog every other day because that always ends up in a way of me not being able to possibly post that much!! Needless to say we got extremely busy and really I just couldnt find time to upload pictures and blog! Bahh! Now however, we FINALLY carved our pumpkins and I have pictures to prove it!! :) Soo here you go!!

The kids had a BLAST with it!! They had to pick some of the hardest ones to carve...but they are carved and seeds are roasted!! I will get into that in just a minute :)

Aww they just turned out soo cute!! I wont mention that we still have a WHOLE other pumpkin to carve! Sheesh....I forgot how much time these little bubbers take!!!

Then the seeds!! Ooh the seeds, we did two different kinds, one with just jonny's, pretty basic but delicious! And then we did salt, sugar, and cinamon!! And Ooh Man!! They are delicious!! I am soo pleased! :)

We have soccer party tomorrow night so I will update with pictures of their little trophy's, cant wait to see thier little faces when they get them! :)

1 comment:

  1. The picture of Landon gutting his pumpkin kills me! Such a cute little man :)
