Friday, May 25, 2012

Chop, Chop, Chopper


That is the only expression that makes sense after the food preparation that was last night! We had gotten a little bit of a later start so began prepping all of the food and was DETERMINED to get everything done! And holy messy kitchen!!

So when I got home last night around 7 we had this as our to-do for the evening:
1. Make Egg Casserole
2. Make Breakfast Burritos
3. Make Fruit Salad
4. Make Pasta Salad
5. Make sandwich filling
6. Make Marinade for shrimp & chicken
7. Chop all veggies for skewers, chili & hotdogs
8. Make corn bread
9. Make brownies
10. Make Pico De Gallo
11. Make Jalapeno Dip

Let me just tell you that having 10 things on your to make list is quite a few! It took us 5 hours to finally get everything cut up and ready in containers and packed in the trailer and that's with the lovely help from Russ!! Thank god for that man, couldn't have done it all without him! I had to keep reminding myself how thankful I will be all weekend when I have no chopping to do, because I will tell you what I do not wish to chop another onion or pepper for a week at least!

Tell me this breakfast burrito doesn't look absolutely amazing though!? Yumm!! So as I sit at work, Russ is at home getting everything packed up and we will hit the road at 5:30 sharp!Cant Wait!! Who else is excited for a 3 day weekend!? :)  Have a wonderful and safe weekend to you all!! 

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